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Administration of July and December 2020 examination sessions
July 2, 2020 at 6:58

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Closing date for July 2020 examination session was 26th June. The July 2020 examination session will cater for ALL candidates (regardless of the level) who had initially enrolled to sit for the April/May 2020 examination session. The examination session for July 2020 will be conducted from 27th July to 7th August 2020. 

The December 2020 examinations shall be administered from 7 to 23 December 2020. The examination session will cater for ONLY candidates in the graduation year (final year of study at 3rd year at Diploma and Technician levels, 2nd year students at certificate/craft levels and all levels for trade test students) who before the advent of COVID-19 were scheduled to sit for examinations during the July/August and November/December 2020 sessions. 

The Learner Data Management System (LDMS) is now open for training institutions to register and make payments for candidates earmarked to sit for examinations in the December 2020 examination session. The closing date for paying examination fees for the December 2020 examination session is 2nd October 2020.