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Brochures & Circulars
Revised/developed curricula to be implemented in 2021/2022 academic year

 Uploaded 10th January, 2021 6:46

Extension of the deadline for online uploading on Continuous Assessment (CA) results

 Uploaded 7th December, 2020 5:46

Extension of the deadline for online uploading on Continuous Assessment (CA) results

 Uploaded 7th December, 2020 5:46

Delivery of TEVET examinations - December 2020

 Uploaded 1st December, 2020 15:22

Extension of online examination registration for December 2020 examinations

 Uploaded 11th November, 2020 14:46

Extension of examination registration period

 Uploaded 11th November, 2020 14:45

Administration of December 2020 examinations - Re-sit candidates

 Uploaded 11th November, 2020 14:44

Time table for junior secondary vocational education and training (Grade 9) Trade Tests

 Uploaded 11th November, 2020 14:43

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