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Examiners and assessors in TEVET up-skilled to improve quality of assessments in the sector
March 18, 2020 at 9:32

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There is demand that examinations and assessments move with time to ensure learning outcomes or objectives reflect what industry needs in the skilled persons entering the world of work. Since technical and vocational education and training assessments primarily focus on practical skills in learners, industry feedback highlights the need to improve the development of practical testing assessments and projects. Thus, TEVETA analyses results and learner performance for every examination session and undertakes necessary capacity building in trainers/lecturers that set examinations papers and develop assessments for practical subjects.

Accordingly, TEVETA is up-skilling more than 400 examiners and assessors in the sector. The examiners and assessors are from different training institutions across the country. The capacity building is aimed at ensuring both practical assessments and examinations are continuously re-aligned to industry needs and in line with national aspirations to develop a crop of skilled workforce that meet national development goals. The capacity building is one of the series of interventions aimed at ensuring that the TEVET sector contributes to meeting the skills requirements of the country in an efficient, effective and sustainable manner to the growth of the country.

The capacity building seeks to guarantee examination and assessment papers' validity, accuracy and reliability. Trainers being up-skilled are critical players in the conduct and administration of TEVET examinations and assessments effectively and efficiently.  The training is also aimed at aligning assessment projects/ practical assessments to national skills development goals and industry needs from learners. The examiners and assessors were provided with support tools for effective assessments development.

The capacity building is among the steps aimed at gathering pace in enhancing TEVET's contribution to the effective achievement of the Seventh National Development Plan, Vision 2030, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as SDG 4.4 on education and skills development and other developmental targets through effective, efficient and sustainable skills development. The 7NDP prioritizes developing people’s capacities through education and skills training for them to have a reasonable standard of living and largely participate in the economy. It also prioritizes the need to attain the desired human capital development by building inclusive and appropriate skills systems that respond to the demands of the labour market and entrepreneurs' requirements to manage enterprises efficiently.

It is envisaged that such capacity building activities would augment equipment acquisition, curriculum reviews, quality assurance and financing efforts meant to align TEVET to industry and national skills needs and ensure the country remains a competitive investment destination with quality and adequate skilled human resource, which is a vital component in attracting investment. Having skilled human resources is one of the essential factors in attracting investors. It guarantees investors getting a return on their investment effectively and within envisaged timelines.

The demand from industry is for the TEVET sector to scale-up its efficiency in developing relevant skilled persons to ensure the nation has the right quantity and quality of technical and vocational skills required to foster national development and meet industry productivity targets. The demand for appropriately skilled human capital includes skills covering manufacturing, agricultural and value addition to agricultural commodities, community, business related, hospitality, development and engineering. The demand is in line with national and personal aspirations to attain the middle-income status and improve living conditions among households.

Globally, technical and vocational education and training has been identified as one of the important sectors to support economic growth and poverty alleviation, improve the productivity and wealth and job creation using hands-on and entrepreneurial skills acquired from the sector. Technical and vocational education and training is also key in the development of green skills to help meet sustainable development goals and promote social inclusion.

Technical and vocational education and training system creates links between training and the world of work by continuously provide capacity building among trainers and assessors. The system is increasingly creating valuable lifelong learning pillars adaptable to the needs of different communities’ social and economic situations. National aspirations such as those on employment creation and overall growth of the economy in all sectors should be mirrored in the technical and vocational education and training system by consistently aligning it to those ambitions. Capacity building activities are vital in aligning practical assessments and examinations in line with the evolution of occupations and jobs, and recognizing learning happening in the informal, and formal sectors.  Proceeds from the Skills Development Fund (SDF) are used for re-skilling trainers and examiners under capacity building financing pillar to ensure that the new equipment being procured and reviewed curriculum to align it to industry needs result into holistic improved quality TEVET. The long-term objective of the re-skilling programme is to ensure trainer’s efficiency in delivering training using state-of-the-art equipment, enhance the relevance of TEVET and quality of the skills being imparted in relation to industry needs.

 Improved quality and relevance of TEVET broadens skilled persons’ economic opportunities and ease their transition into the world of work. The reskilling programme is meant to ensure impart hands-on skills on trainers to efficiently use new equipment after it has been commissioned in skills centre, trades institutes and colleges. Other trainers in different programmes will be reskilled at identified training institutions. Others will be reskilled by suppliers of the equipment as part of the commissioning of equipment in TEVET. 

Government considers skills as critical assets for individuals, businesses and society’s development. Matching skills and jobs have also become a high-priority policy concern, as mismatches result into underutilization of existing human capital and lead to job vacancies not being filled in due to lack of appropriately skilled persons to fill them. The country is repositioning itself against skills mismatches using enhanced training and industry collaboration through continuous professional development (CPD) of instructors in TEVET to ensure skilled persons’ relevance to industry and national development goals.