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Capacity Building for Chief Examiners and Markers Conducted to Improve Quality of Skills
December 27, 2022 at 16:37

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TEVETA has prioritised enhancing the quality of skills in the 2021 - 2026 Strategic Plan in line with the job and wealth creation agenda of the Government. This is in order to augment the Authority's regulatory and coordination functions to impart quality skills for youth employment and actualisation of entrepreneurship. Capacity building is among the action plans to improve the quality of training in the TEVET sector. Different capacity building activities have been planned for trainers, administrators and other experts that provide services in the TEVET sector.

Officiating at the Chief Examiners and Markers' capacity building, TEVETA Director General, Cleophas Takaiza said To reposition TEVET as a tool for national development, the Authority has embarked on transforming some of its operational processes and building capacity in the strategic players in the training value chain. As you are aware the TEVET training value chain comprises curriculum development, curriculum implementation and assessments. We found it necessary to build the capacity of the Chief examiners and markers to improve the quality of assessment instruments and ultimately the competence levels of youths. This capacity building workshop is addressing issues relating to test construction, quality assurance in test construction and examination marking. These capacity building will enhance the skills among the chief examiners.

Mr. Takaiza noted that the TEVET sector has recorded an increase in student enrolments in its registered colleges attributed to favourable Government policies such as the implementation of the bursary component of the Constituent Development Fund (CDF). "Therefore, TEVET Assessment and Examination play a critical role to identify graduates competent to join the labour market."

"It is against this background that the Authority organised this capacity building workshop for chief examiners and markers to inculcate skills for them to improve management in test development, administration and evaluation. This initiative is strategic, timely and necessary for continuous chief examiner and marker professional development."

He said the capacity building workshop focused on training the chief examiners on their roles in construction of test items, examination quality control, grading protocols, examination marking and ethical issues. "The Authority will continue to build capacity among examiners and markers to ensure relevance of assessment instruments to national labour force skills needs and national aspirations for relevant and competitive workforce. I want to assure employers and the Zambian people that TEVETA will continue to play a significant role in contributing to the actualisation of the Eighth National Development Plan (8NDP), which prioritizes TEVET in the job and wealth creation agenda. I now wish to declare the workshop open."