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What Is Accreditation?
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Posted on 10 November, 2017 12:57
What Is Accreditation ? A Quality Assurance process under which services and operations of an educational institutions or program are evaluated by an external body to determine if set standards are being met. Introduction The TEVET (amendment) Act No. 11 of 2005 provides for accreditation and registration of Assessors, Examiners and Trainers Definitions An Assessor is a person accredited by TEVETA to carry out assessment of trainee performance against standards An Examiner is a person accredited by TEVETA to prepare or administer local or foreign examinations accredited by TEVETA A Trainer is a person accredited by TEVETA to carry out training against standards of competence prescribes by TEVETA A Moderator is a person qualified and accredited to verify the decision made by an Assessor Accreditation Process Applicants collects or downloads the accreditation form from TEVETA Offices/Website; Applicant submits the completed application form with registration fees and copies of all documents listed on the front page of the Application Form; TEVETA evaluates the application against a set criteria Register applicant that meet the requirements; Issue certificates of Accreditation valid for a renewable period of 2 years.

TEVETA Zambia 2024. (MOTS statutory agency)