Institutions applying for registration to provide Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training (TEVET), should complete the "Form for registration of institution" form found on this this page in full and forward it to:
The Director General
Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA)
Birdcage Walk, Longacres
Private Bag RW 16X
Please note: This Form must be completed in BLOCK LETTERS.
Applicants should forward all the listed documents (below) with their application. An application will not be processed if any of the required documents is not provided.
- Certificate of Incorporation/Registration of a Business Name/Society;
- List of Proprietors, Board Members or Directors (stating their contact addresses, dates of birth, nationality, qualifications and work experience);List of Proprietors, Board Members or Directors (stating their contact addresses, dates of birth, nationality, qualifications and work experience);
- Curriculum of the courses to be offered;
- Name and profile of an official who will be held accountable for training quality assurance;
- Detailed CVs of instructional and administrative staff with copies of qualifications;
- A sworn affidavit/declaration that the proprietor, board members or any member of the instructional staff have never been declared bankrupt or found guilty of any criminal offence;
- A sketch showing the location of the institution;
- Details of three referees (one of whom should be the current banker) who can independently be contacted by the Authority to provide testimony on the eligibility of the applicant to provide quality training that is nationally recognized;
- Three (3) months Bank Statement with a Minimum Bank Balance of not less than K5Million;
- Evidence of compliance with National Pension Scheme Authority and Zambia Revenue Authority;
- Three (3) year Strategic Plan;
- Lease agreement or proof of ownership of training premises;
- Report or Letter of change of use of premises from the Local Authority;
- Report or letter of approval from the local Authority in the case of Boarding Houses
You can also find the latest fees chart on this page which shows you all the required amounts.
“Institution” means any organization or premises by or at which regular instruction relating to technical education, vocational and entrepreneurship training is provided or from which such instruction emanates, whether by distance learning or otherwise, and shall include a private institution and an aided institution.
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