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TEVET On-Line Bursary Application System Launched-3rd November 2020
November 10, 2020 at 13:22

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The Ministry of Higher Education has launched an Online Bursary Application System.

Higher Education Minister Honourable Eng. Dr. Brian Mushimba expressed happiness to launch the TEVET Online Bursary Application System as this signified a very important milestone for the Ministry, he said the system will benefit Institutions and student applicants easing the process and creating an enabling environment to access the application documents on an online platform.

Dr Mushimba explained that the manual system that encompassed “red tape” and other cumbersome factors has today been replaced with such a smart system that will expedite the process. Dr Mushimba said the Government through the Ministry of Higher Education decided to come up with this solution as part of the programs embarked on to enhance the TEVET sector.