To strengthen systems for skills development, TEVETA is building capacity in 20 members of Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) in standard setting, quality assurance and assessment processes. The EIZ members will become part of the TEVETA inspectorate to enhance quality assurance.
The 20 are from different engineering backgrounds, various companies and possess a wealth of experiences vital to skills development in the country.
The move is aimed at sharing resources in assuring quality of training in the sector. Joint inspections between TEVETA and EIZ are in line with heightened aspiration to develop a competent workforce for productivity and job creation.
EIZ members will also be a critical resource in curriculum development and review, assessments instruments development and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessments.
The capacity building is in line with the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between TEVETA and EIZ last year aimed at strengthening skills development.
The MoU stipulates areas of collaboration in the development and implementation of an effective TEVET system. It covers cooperation in standard setting, quality assurance, curriculum development and assessments.
The MoU was developed and signed in recognition of the strategic role of the EIZ in the skills development value chain.
EIZ has both public and private members providing opportunities for quality TEVET through Work Based Learning (WBL) including Industrial Attachments, Internships and Apprenticeships to ensure smooth transition into the world of work.
The partnership will shape current and future skills development through insights and feedback from EIZ members, which is critical to navigate challenges and establish a quality TEVET system.