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Strategic Plan for 2021-2026
Strategic Plan for 2021-2026
Posted on 10 June, 2021 9:36

Strategic Plan for 2021-2026

The development of the 2021 to 2026 Strategic Plan for TEVETA utilised several relevant national programmes and agendas to deduce a sense of direction towards the development of technical and vocational skills for Zambia. Among policy documents and legal frameworks that informed the development of the Strategic Plan included Vision 2030, Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP), TEVET Strategy Paper of 1996, TEVET Policy of 1996 and National TEVET Policy of 2020, Higher Education Policy of 2019, and TEVET Act No. 13 of 1998 and TEVET Amended Act No. 11 of 2005. It also utilised the Skills Development Levy Act No. 46 of 2016, Zambia Qualifications Act No. 13 of 2011, Higher Education Act No. 04 of 2013, National Science and Technical Policy of 1996 and the National Youth Policy of 2015, among others.

The Strategic Plan is mainly based on national aspirations as espoused in the Vision 2030, 7NDP and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on education and skills training. The 7NDP prioritises TEVET with a view to impart quality skills for youth employability, for actualisation of decent work and entrepreneurship, gender disparity elimination and increase access to skills and education especially by the vulnerable. Therefore, the objectives and performance indicators in this Strategic Plan have been developed after an extensive literature review and taking into consideration inputs from consultations with clients and stakeholders in skills development.



TEVETA Zambia 2024. (MOTS statutory agency)